The Los Angeles Gezi Platform (LAGP) consists of a group committed to open-dialogue, free debate, right to peaceful assembly, protection of human rights and civil liberties.
LAGB formed organically by concerned citizens of the Turkish-American community in Southern California who have been gathering at the 18th Street Arts Center in Santa Monica, CA to discuss the civil disobedience movement that started at Gezi Park in Istanbul in May 2013.
LAGB aims to raise public awareness about issues related to the Gezi movement, support research and artistic production.
LAGB formed organically by concerned citizens of the Turkish-American community in Southern California who have been gathering at the 18th Street Arts Center in Santa Monica, CA to discuss the civil disobedience movement that started at Gezi Park in Istanbul in May 2013.
LAGB aims to raise public awareness about issues related to the Gezi movement, support research and artistic production.